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LINDACE is a youthful brand from Berlin, established in 2022 by Linda with a strong passion for hair clips, particularly designing them themselves to create unique clips with symbols, colors, and distinct statements from the traditional hair clip.

When approaching this project, we knew we wanted to create something mature and well-rounded. Something that is community-led and feels exclusive but friendly. As LINDACE grew throughout its first year, the business understood that its audience changed as well - we collaborated to have a look at the market of emerging hair-accessory businesses that came after LINDACE, find a unique approach to its brand from the tone of voice, brand positioning, user persona to all things visual.  However, our collaboration didn't end there. We came on board as the business' creative directors to help implement the new brand, ideate campaigns, mood board and storyboard, as well as help set up campaign set-designs and direct the models and photographers and help with post-production.


Creative Director
2022 - now

My role includes brand management, as well as providing creative services for campaigns and social media marketing. Additionally, I handle e-commerce platform management and maintenance, CMS, shop optimisations, and Klaviyo email marketing automation and optimisation.

Thanks to the trust and strong bond we created with LINDACE, I was asked to join the team as a Creative Director - positions that I've been holding since February 2024.

About the project
Behind the Brand


Through our research we found that the majority of competitors are using pink as their colour palette so instead, we went with an ivory-green combo that is unique and definitely stands out in the sea of overly feminine colour palettes of competitors. As a secondary combination, we chose a salmon-red combo that works nicely alongside ivory-green. We also had to take into consideration the special requirements the brand had for its manufacturing needs hence coming up with a colour palette suitable for all colour spaces the client needed.

Font pairings

The fonts had to also be tailored to the manufacturing needs of the product - as to reduce the number of fonts used in the brand, we opted to work around the product font, adding in a display font pairing and a simple body copy font.

The magic

Where the magic happens is definitely the logo suite and brand patterns. The client and the studio wanted a strong, bold but playful logo. For this, we chose a font and fully customised it to fit the brand. We played with the words ACE in LINDACE and made that part of the logo stand out with some uniquely customised letters. ACE stands for ACCESSORIES, ACETATE (the product's material) as well as ACE as in, best. We used the E and made it resemble a hair strand - a subtle hint to the brand's products. We then used the E's curves and carved a wave in A to create consistency. Last but not least, we then used the A from LINDACE and a heart that has previously been used for a product's design and created a symbol resembling an Ace of Spades; this is the official symbol of the LINDACE community - the ACE Club. We used both the aces and the E to create patterns that are used across all collaterals both online and offline.

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